25 Questions & Answers

1. WHAT IS HOMOSEXUALITY? It is the condition of being sexually attracted and drawn to members of one's own sex.

2. WHO IS HOMOSEXUAL? The only basis for deciding whether one is or is not homosexual is a continuing erotic preference for partners of the same sex.

3. DOES A HOMOSEXUAL ACT MAKE ONE A HOMOSEXUAL? No. Many boys and girls during early childhood and adolescence have homosexual experiences without lasting effects. Also, under special circumstances, such as military service and prison life, homosexual behavior sometimes occurs on a temporary basis.

4. HOW MANY HOMOSEXUALS ARE THERE? No one really knows. However, several authorities have estimated that perhaps one out of every ten adults could be so classified. Therefore, the number would total many millions.

5. CAN HOMOSEXUALS BE EASILY IDENTIFIED? Contrary to popular belief most homosexual men and women are indistinguishable in appearance from other people. They are found in all walks of life, at all social and economic levels, and among all cultural groups. Homosexual tastes and personalities vary as widely as do heterosexual. Some male homosexuals are feminine in manner and appearance and some female homosexuals seem masculine. Transvestites, those who prefer the clothing of the opposite sex, and transsexuals, those who feel they are trapped in the body of the wrong sex and therefore seek surgery, usually have a psychological makeup quite different from that of most homosexuals.

6. IS HOMOSEXUALITY UNNATURAL? From a scientific point of view it is not. It would seem to be one of the natural variations of human sexuality which some societies are more willing to accept than are others.

Endocrinologist Harry Benjamin, M.D., has written, "Do we know what 'normal' means? I don't know. I believe that we only know what is customary."

7. ARE HOMOSEXAULS MENTALLY ILL? No. To label homosexuality as a mental illness reflects a value judgment based on social and religious attitudes, rather than on scientific evidence. Some homosexuals, like some heterosexuals, do indeed suffer from anxiety, or other psy-

chological difficulties. Quite often this has been brought on by pressures from a society which is intolerant and uninformed concerning homosexuality.

8. ARE HOMOSEXUALS CRIMINALS? Homosexuals are no more nor less law-abiding than the rest of the population. However, the laws of most states against oral-genital, anal and masturbatory behavior do label homosexual acts as criminal. The majority of heterosexuals would likewise be designated criminals were such laws enforced.

9. ARE CHILDREN SEDUCED INTO HOMOSEXUALITY? Homosexual seduction is no more common than is heterosexual seduction. Numerically it is much less frequent because there are fewer homosexuals. Several surveys have shown that most persons who engaged in homosexuality during their adolescent years did so with those of approximately their own ages. Schofield reports (p. 209 see Bibliography) that of one group studied about three-quarters "had started homosexual activity with other boys before the age of seventeen; only a few were iniated by adults."

10. WHAT CAUSES HOMOSEXUALITY? It is not yet known what causes either heterosexuality or homosexuality. It has been held that heterosexuals may be hormonally, genetically and biologically different from homosexuals. Others have argued that a young child's emotional relationships with his parents, and those near to him will determine his sexual pattern in adulthood. Much further research will be needed before a definite answer can be given.

11. CAN HOMOSEXUALITY BE CURED? Since homosexuality is merely one of the variations of sexual behavior and has been considered to be quite normal in some societies during various periods in history a better question might be, "Should homosexuals change? If so, why?" Available statistics indicate that large numbers of homosexuals see no reasons for wanting to change. Many of those who have tried to change have found treatment to be both long term and expensive, with results often unsatisfactory. Many therapists now favor helping individuals to accept their homosexuality, rather than to seek change.


NECESSARILY A HANDICAP? No one's sexual orientation need be a handicap. Homosexuals and heterosexuals alike can lead happy, productive lives, provided they come to terms with their sexuality. For some persons, however, the social sanctions and public prejudice against homosexuality may create special problems and unhappiness.

13. IS THERE A HOMOSEXUAL PERSONALITY? None has so far been identified. Scientifically administered personality tests have not revealed any clearcut distinctions between heterosexuals and homosexuals, other than that of their sexual preference.

14. WHAT KIND OF JOBS DO HOMOSEXUALS HOLD? Like other minority groups they have